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To contact Ginger Crystal Faith Real Estate Team give us a ring at (925) 580-2231, stop by our office at 2222 2nd St. here in Livermore, CA, or fill out the short form below. We look forward to connecting!

Brad Stewart

A Customer for Life” *****

Is re-financing your home really that easy? At one year into my first home mortgage and on the verge of going into credit rating purgatory, I found that the answer is ‘No’. That is until I found Ginger Faria. My story is a common one.

I received at least 15 letters and 20 phone calls a week from mortgage brokers and financial institutions guaranteeing me that they could perform miracles, get my interest rates down and provide me with cash out to help pay down my other debts. I did what I think most people would have done in my situation. I believed them.

I believed the first one, the second one, the third one…. Every time the result was, “I’m sorry, but your numbers just don’t add up.” With each new mortgage representative I spoke with, I informed them of the last experience I had with a similar institution who said to me almost exactly what they were telling me now.

Each one promised that they were different and they could do things that other company’s could not because of X, Y and Z. Most of which would end up telling me the same thing, “I’m sorry, but your numbers just don’t add up.” Others would just stop calling or returning my phone calls. When I had almost given up, I was referred to Ginger Faria by an associate of mine.

Someone whom I have known, trusted and valued for over six years, my accountant. I decided to try one more time and gave Ginger a call. From the start Ginger was different.

Ginger never promised miracles, only to help discover the best options available to me. She kept me informed, either calling me first or returning a phone call from me usually the same day, always letting me know what she was trying to accomplish and why.

When all was said and done, Ginger delivered. Ginger delivered BIG. Ginger Faria was able to accomplish what 25+ other mortgage companies before her could not.

She was able to get my mortgage re-financed as well as capitalizing on 100% of the equity built in my property. With this loan I was able to pay off 90% of my debt.

I felt reborn. And Ginger has a customer for life.

– Brad Stewart

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Visit Us At Our Office:

Ginger Crystal Faith Real Estate Team
2222 2nd St.
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 580-2231